On 25 November 2015, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, The Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Ms. Dubravka Šimonović called on all States to establish a “femicide watch”, or a “gender-related killing of women” watch.
In her most recent report to the General Assembly (A/71/398), the Special rapporteur further elaborated modalities for establishment of the femicide watch and/or observatory as an interdisciplinary panel of experts that collect and analyze data on femicides with the aims of prevention of such cases.
The Special Rapporteur seeks to collect existing good practices on data collection and prevention of femicides. In order to inform her work on the topic, and with view of creating a global online database, the Special Rapporteur wishes to secure from different stakeholders, including States, National Human Rights Institutions, Non-governmental organizations, as well as members of academia, input and views on the following topics:
- Existing legislative models or operational guides for the investigation of gender-related killings of women;
- Existing good practices regarding collection of data on femicides or gender related killings of women;
- Landmark jurisprudence from international, regional, and national courts, on gender-related killings of women.
N.B. Please note that the working languages of the Secretariat are English, French and Spanish. You are therefore kindly requested to provide your submissions in one of these languages.
All submissions should be sent by 1 March 2017 to vaw@ohchr.org.