“Making Post-2015 Work for Socially Excluded Groups in India” builds on the series of papers and consultations led by Oxfam India to examine what post-2015 framework will make a difference for four socially excluded groups—women, Dalits, Muslims and Tribals. It draws on their situation to offer insights into aspects that emerge as a consensus in the debate around post-2015—the importance of addressing inequalities and placing human rights at the heart of the framework, the central role of domestic policies, and the necessity of involving those whom the framework aims to serve.
“Millennium Development Goals and Muslims of India” by Tanweer Fazal examines how India’s Muslim population fares against the MDGs. It shows that the group’s outcomes on most goals fall short of India’s population on average. To better address the vulnerabilities of the group, the paper recommends among other: a targeted set of measures that take into account the exclusion faced by religious minorities; a requirement to gather and publish disaggregated data on every goal.